SGB Obligacji Uniwersalny
SGB Bankowy
Short-term debt sub-fund
Portfolio risk:
interface.minPayment100 PLN
* The results obtained may be reduced by the front-load fees and the taxes due.
Fund Characteristics
Generali Fundusze SFIO
Min. investment horizon
3 months
Min. initial payment
1 000 PLN
Min. next payment
1 000 PLN
Investment Policy
- The sub-fund invests mainly in debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the State Treasury.
- The possibility of investing in corporate bonds.
- The modified Duration of the debt part of the sub-fund's portfolio is in the range of 0-3.
- Investments mainly in Poland and in the Central and Eastern Europe region.
- Striving to hedge against the FX risk.
The sub-fund also has the possibility of investing funds in investment categories other than the ones defined above. A full description of the investment policy is set out in the Fund’s articles of association which are available at, tab: Documents.
On December 19, 2024, the name of the sub-fund changed. Old name of the sub-fund – SGB Bankowy.
Investor profile
The sub-fund is addressed to investors who:
- intend to invest their financial surplus in the sub-fund of short-term debt securities issued by the State Treasury and enterprises,
- accept low investment risk,
- whose investment horizon is at least 3 months.
Benchmark − effective as of October 11, 2013
1M WIBID + 50 bp
Subfund manager
Aleksander Szymerski
Inception date
Max. front-load fee
Max. management fee
Bank account number
42 1880 0009 0000 0013 0089 4000
Currently charged management fee
Useful materials